Another great achievement at Herona Hospital
A hospital without running water is unimaginable but that is what the staff at Herona Hospital have had to cope with since it opened its doors in September 2017. They had been buying water in jerrycans everyday. After visiting Herona for the official opening Prof Colin Green and IMET2000 were determined to get running water in the hospital. They gave funds for a 80ft well, solar pump, 18ft tower, tank and pipes. The sinks were already plumbed in and just needed taps. Before I left in March the well was nearly dug, and now all the sinks have running water. It has transformed the hospital and is making life so much easier for everyone.
A big thank you to IMET 2000, Colin Green, Liz Green, Kathy Green and Ann Downs.
Digging the well
Well cover Solar pump Water tower
Finally water at Herona Hospital