A record breaking month at Herona Hospital

Herona Hospitals departmental report for July 2019 demonstrates the incredible increase in patients coming through the door each month (near to 5000) and the variety of services being offered.
Radiology/scan. =158 scans performed
Laboratory worked on 658 patients, 289 were tested for HIV all those who were positive are counselled and treated with free ARVs
General out patients received = 4689 patients
Eye clinic =321 of whom 189 had allergic conjunctivitis, squint = 1, photophobia 28,refractive error 17, cataract 41 and normal. 40
Referrals in= 214
Referrals out=32 (referred for X- ray and CT scan)
After final meetings with Government MoH officials the team are delighted to announce that HHL has been officially approved and will be supplied with free anti-retro viral drugs in the near future.
Construction of the mortuary and incinerator is nearly complete, plastering is finished and the tiling has commenced.